Compare Vumonic’s consumer transaction signals against FactSet, public earnings data, and more to see exactly how our indicators line up with real market outcomes.
We benchmark our dataset against standard market metrics, proving that our insights not only arrive faster, but also match up closely with final reports.
4+ yrs
Historical data
Tickers covered
receipts captured
Transparent Methodology & Reporting
Dive into our correlation studies, replicate our tests, or conduct your own custom analyses—all internal backtests are documented for maximum clarity.
Robust Historical Backtesting
Access years of raw transaction logs mapped to your tickers, so you can simulate and refine trading strategies before putting capital at risk.
Sector & Category Correlations
Detect shifts in consumer behavior the moment they appear, allowing you to spot undervalued opportunities—or mitigate risks—well before quarterly reports surface.
Built-In QC & Governance
Every data point undergoes meticulous auditing, so your correlation and backtesting projects stand on solid ground.
Hands-On and Data-Obsessed
We’re not just another data vendor. We constantly stress-test our own numbers, backtest across multiple analyses, and happily dive deep in meetings to ensure you get the most accurate insights.
We Dive Deep With You
Our team loves partnering with clients to dissect transaction patterns and spot hidden trends. We’ll brainstorm, strategize, and refine models alongside you—no matter how deep the analysis goes.
No Detail Left Unchecked
From cleaning anomalies to verifying SKU categories, our experts personally oversee every data point. We believe meticulous attention keeps your insights sharp and your decisions well-informed.
"Vumonic isn't just another data supplier. Their team deeply understands their own data and is always ready to answer our questions, making them an indispensable partner in our data strategy."
Quantitative Research Lead
Global Macro Fund
See the Vumonic Difference
Get a sample report to see our high-correlation data in action.