Free MakeMyTrip Hospitality Trends Tool

Track hotel performance metrics, booking patterns, and property rankings from December. Explore average stays, room preferences, and pricing trends in our free preview.
Avg. Booking Value: ₹5,065.39
Avg. Stay: 1.6 nights
Day-Use: 5.4 hours
Top Booked Properties (February 2025)
Price Range Distribution (February 2025)
Popular Room Types (February 2025)
Hotel chains covered
opt-in panelists
receipts captured

Property Performance Intelligence

Compare rankings and booking values across property types, from luxury hotels to hostels. Identify market leaders and emerging players.
boy with suitcase and door travel
young man holding paper map

Stay Pattern Analytics

Understand guest preferences from length-of-stay to room types. Track day-use trends and seasonal booking patterns.

Price Segment Insights

Monitor price range distribution and room category performance. Optimize revenue strategies with competitive rate analysis.
colleagues discussing team project at the table

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